Discover #the Power of 100.
Joining is easy
Go to our page on to set up your Quarterly Tax-Deductible $100 Donations. This takes just a few minutes. Grapevine is the preferred platform of the 100 Who Care Alliance, charges no fee and allows us to securely give 100% of our combined gift to the charity of our choosing.
Pay a one-time $100 Membership Fee to 100 Men Who Care — Emerald Coast. These funds help defray operating expenses for the group. Please pay by a check. Make out to 100 Men Who Care. Bring your Membership Fee to your first meeting, or mail to:
100 Men Who Care
461 Carson Oaks Lane
Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459
Here’s what you get
As a member of 100 Men Who Care — Emerald Coast, you’ll…
Gain entrance to quarterly meetings and mixing with fellow members.
Have the power to nominate a charity of your choice for the opportunity to pitch the group.
Have the right to cast a vote to select a winning charity.
Receive a 100MWCEC ball cap or graphic T-shirt.
We look forward doing good together!